SUNY Erie Athletics to Play Fall Sports in the Spring
SUNY Erie Community College is making plans to play its fall sports in the Spring 2021 semester in accordance with the new sport procedures previously announced by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA).
The plan allows for a spring championship season for the traditionally fall close-contact sports of football, men's and women's soccer, and volleyball. Additionally, all NJCAA winter sports have been moved to a January start date and have a later championship date.
"I applaud this decision by the NJCAA Board of Regents and NJCAA Presidential Advisory Council," stated Erie Director of Athletics Steve Mullen. "With the current Covid pandemic it would have been very difficult for most athletic programs across the country to conduct a meaningful fall season. This decision allows us to give our student-athletes an opportunity to compete in their sport this school year. We have already begun working with our regional partners on putting together team schedules for the spring."
The SUNY Erie Board of Trustees had previously suspended all fall athletic activities at its meeting on June 25.
Tha NJCAA's Plan of Action can be found here.